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Submit your details today, be part of the selected group of professionals using CNET Cabling Systems across Europe. CNET legendary 25 Years Warranty.

CNET structured cabling, networking constitute an end to end solution where performance, ease of installation and cost effectiveness are prerequisites. With an emphasis on compatibility and standards compliance ‘from cable to Connectivity’, reliability and product availability, CNET is the complete value for money solution.

Since the brand was conceived in 2007, CNET has enjoyed formidable growth. CNET is one of the top structured cabling brands Globally and in Ireland, making its transformation from own-label to mainstream product set complete. We believe the true value of any warranty is the support it provides and the level of control it offers over the quality of the product, installation and testing prior to the site hand-over.

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Additional CNET Features

  • 25 Year Warranty Cert
  • End to end network solutions
  • Level IV test results required for analysis
  • Class D, E & Ea, channel and permanent link method
  • Compliance to ISO 11801 1.2 (2000-1)
  • Warranty certificate provided
  • Copper and fibre networks